Issue With Custom Rig

For context, I am making a game where the player character is a monkey, so I made a custom rig and overrode the Animation script rather than use the R6 and R15 rigs.

Any time an animation plays, the rig’s hands and feet will randomly rotate unpredictably. (The video only shows the walking animation because that is easier to demonstrate.) I have gotten to the point that I cannot ignore it any longer, and it is impeding my progress. The animation plays properly in the animation editor.

I tried recreating the rig in case I made some sort of mistake in the rigging process, but the new rig also has the same issue. Does Roblox have a minimum size for Motor6D parts that I went past?

The rotations seem to be mostly 180-degree rotations, and it only ever applies to where the wrists and ankles would be.

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If you still need help after all this time…

Does your custom animation have anything for the hands and foot frames?

is this a rig with multiple meshes or is there any mesh deformation? can you make all the objects in the model visible. its possible that the primarypart or some other hidden parts could be moving around messing up the animation.

Hi, I appreciate the response.
Yes, there are key frames for the hands and feet. I haven’t found a solution: I have been busy this past year, the only real workaround I have thought of is importing the animation with the mesh (though I haven’t tried it.)

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Multiple meshes and no deformation. (Probably a mistake with this specific model)

The only invisible part is the root. I turned it visible to see what would happen and it stayed stationary while the rest of the model played through its animation.

I also got the idea it could be some sort of collision with the ground: To test, I increased the hip height property so the entire model would be floating. Same issue so it seems that is not the case either.

to get your animation to play, did you set the animation priority?

Also what if you remove the keyframes on the feet?

Yes, I did set the animation priority, but this was my first time doing that.

I removed all the keyframes on the back left foot and would still see it flip around.

I will see if I can find time to give both of these a second look. I didn’t have much time today.

Edit: I forgot to save the changed animation properly.

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Did you replace the default animation, or did you code by yourself the animation ?

I made all the animations then changed the ID’s in the regular Roblox animation script.

idle = { --Monkey Idle
{ id = “”, weight = 2 }, --Idle 3
{ id = “”, weight = 5 }, --Idle 1
{ id = “”, weight = 5 } --Idle 2

This is weird, i thought that it could be from roblox animation, because unfortunatly these animations can rotate the joints of the character.
But if, you made a custom animations for a custom character, there shouldn’t be an issue.
Also, where is your humanoid root part ? The feet of your character isn’t on the ground. Roblox calculate the humanoidRootPart automatically. But sometimes, the hipheight isn’t at the right number. I don’t know if it can cause animation problems, but try to move the root on the torso. If your character is still a bit too high try to recalculate the hipHeight of your character.

Another thing, you said that you didn’t use R6 or R15 rig type ? But you played with the character, you had a humanoid on it. On the animation editor did you played with the animator with the humanoid or when you imported as a ‘custom character’ you didn’t change your character ? If that’s the case, remove the humanoid and put the animation controller. Join the game as your original character and put a button to play the animation on your custom character and see what happen.

Nevermind ^^‘, i just encounter the same issue (not with rotation but with position) ^^’. I used graph editor because the animation makes my character floating. I set the root part and lowerTorso to ‘0’ in x,y,z position axis. Everything looks fine on animation editor but on test at the end of my animation, my character goes toward the sky…

I saw a post about that a while ago, the op said to remove the keyframe that appeared very small compared to the others keyframes. These smalls keyframes weren’t there when i imported the animation.

If you modified your animation before the publishing, it can happen. Try this.

The humanoid root part is where the lower half of the torso is. The lower torso is connected with no position offset. I can’t exactly remember why the hip height is wrong in the video. I might have raised it for visual clarity in the video: the hip height is as close to correct as I was able to make it.


This is definitely it. The key frames must have been so small that they rolled over to negative infinity.

Thank you so much.


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