What are you attempting to achieve?
I want to detail my vehicle tires, and give the tire track an actual pattern, so it could look better, and this is the difficulty, I’ve never made tires in ROBLOX Studio or any software before, so I’m inexperienced and am having trouble figuring out what to do.
What is the issue?
Like above, I’m inexperienced, and so I’m clueless as to how I could actually make tire-patterns that are more detailed than a couple cylinders mushed together.
What solutions have you tried so far?
I’ve tried recreating patterns seen on free model tires and vehicles alike, though to no avail, so I’d like to know if there’s any technique or kit I could use to help me along with this problem.
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I recommend you try out a 3D modelling software, blender, C4D and some other modelling programs, I haven’t seen a good tire tread made out of CSG. Using something like blender isn’t too difficult if you haven’t used it before it’s pretty much moving shapes. There are quite a few tutorials out there if you need them I’ll link some. Again, I haven’t seen a good tire tread on ROBLOX made out of ROBLOX’s CSG Unions, so I do suggest using a 3D modelling software.