Issue with embedding webhooks

I’m trying to integrate embedding into my webhooks but for some reason the webhooks are not being posted in my server.

function PlayerHandler:JoinLog(Player)
	print("Webhook sending!")
	--if not RunService:IsStudio() then
		local function HttpRequest()
			local Data = {
				["embeds"] = {
					["title"] = Player.Name;
					["description"] ="%x")"%X");
					["url"] = ""..Player.UserId.."/profile";
			local EncodedData = HttpService:JSONEncode(Data)
			HttpService:PostAsync(Webhook, EncodedData)

The “Webhook sending” prints, and I know the webhook works because it only stops working when I tried adding the embedding

I’m getting an HTTP 400 error meaning that something with my webhook syntax is wrong but I’m not sure what?

The embeds parameter takes an array of embed objects. You are just giving it a single embed object. Try putting it into an array.