I’m trying to integrate embedding into my webhooks but for some reason the webhooks are not being posted in my server.
function PlayerHandler:JoinLog(Player)
print("Webhook sending!")
--if not RunService:IsStudio() then
local function HttpRequest()
local Data = {
["embeds"] = {
["title"] = Player.Name;
["description"] = os.date("%x")..os.date("%X");
["url"] = "https://www.roblox.com/users/"..Player.UserId.."/profile";
local EncodedData = HttpService:JSONEncode(Data)
HttpService:PostAsync(Webhook, EncodedData)
The “Webhook sending” prints, and I know the webhook works because it only stops working when I tried adding the embedding
I’m getting an HTTP 400 error meaning that something with my webhook syntax is wrong but I’m not sure what?