Issue with graphics on a glass material glass

Hello, so I’m currently working on a kind of horror game and while I was building I exepected a little issue.

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So as you can see over here this is the image when you play on max graphics with a strong device, it looks actually pretty good for me.
But when I put the graphics in low that’s making the water a little bit like that…
I wasn’t expecting a nice water quality but I wasn’t expecting this too.

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If there any ways to fix that ? Like it would be great to make it like the picture below, without changing anything when you play on high graphics


It shows exactly the same but with the lights in high graphics.

I tried to change the color of the part into more darker but it doesn’t change anything
And I was wondering if I can change the water color with a script depending on the graphics level, but I have no idea how to do that.

Any help would be appreciated!

(Sry if the topic is in the wrong category)

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You can lower the transparency of the water by little, this may fix it.

Or just use terrain water it will look more realistic for this stuff.

It doesn’t really seem to change anything, even trying to increase or decrease the transparency

If you are referring to the PBR texture that the water has, it can’t be fixed since low graphic quality removes PBR all together to increase performance as much a possible for low end users.

One suggestion I can give is to replace the Brick the looks like water with actual terrain water, that way it will look nicer for high end and low end players. Look into the plugin called “Part to terrain”, it helps with converting simple Baseparts object in works space into terrain parts as the name of the plugins suggests.

If you can’t find the plugin or it costs money/robux like every damn plugin on the website then here is a video that explain on how you can create water terrain easily;

alrighty, see you next time space cowboy!

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if you want to make changes based on quality

local gamesettings = UserSettings().GameSettings

local function onQualityChange()
	local newQuality = gamesettings.SavedQualityLevel

onQualityChange() -- run the function when the script starts

you can get the .Value to get the actual quality level, it will be 0 if its on automatic. I don’t think there is a way to know the quality if it’s on automatic


Thanks it’s working pretty good, well for people who put their graphics on Automatic they will probably see this ugly water but I can’t do anything.

Here a video link because too heavy

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