The following script attached to this post functions by letting the player select body parts and color them. This script does not function on it’s own, so you’ll have to guess the other dependencies/scripts I use as you won’t be able to test it out indivdiually.
This script functions as it should, when combined with other scripts in my game, however there is a fatal flaw with it. The “HasTag” system I use for coloring parts is global, not local.
An example of this issue can be shown here:
Here’s a link to the script so you can take a look at the ~2000 redundant lines and point out where the issue occurs.
If that’s refusing to load, check out the older version of it.
for friend’s game (massively cut down and readable) Script.txt (74.4 KB)
original script Script2.txt (31.2 KB)
This script is part of the framework for 2+ upcoming games and I need to identify the issue quickly. This is urgent! Thanks in advance!