Hey guys, so basically I am trying to make a UI that is supposed to fill up with chatlogs.
My issue is that when I use the command; If there are NO previous chatlogs, it’ll go on fine, empty as it’s supposed to be.
However, attempting to do the same thing when there’s some chat, it’ll error.
What SHOULD actually happen: (Same UI and the same script for the building of the UI. For some reason, however, it doesn’t error here.)
So far I have no solution over it at all, and it’s the first time it has occured to me. Could it be possible it’s because my script is more than 3K lines? Or is another issue? Because as far as I am concerned, pos isn’t a boolean, nor is the UI position.
local clone = player.PlayerGui.MainUI.ListUI:Clone()
local pos = 0
clone.ScrollingFrame.command.Visible = false
local newt={}
for i = 1, math.floor(#chatlogs/2) do
local j = #chatlogs - i + 1
newt[i], newt[j] = chatlogs[j], chatlogs[i]
for i,v in pairs(newt) do
pos = pos+1
local bar = clone.ScrollingFrame.command:Clone()
bar.Parent = clone.ScrollingFrame
bar.Text = v
bar.BackgroundTransparency = 1
bar = true
bar.Position = UDim2.new(0.03,0,0,(pos-1)*28) -- The erroring line.
clone.ScrollingFrame.CanvasSize = UDim2.new(0,0,0,(pos-1)*28) -- I have a feeling this will error too, since it uses the same function.
clone.Parent = player.PlayerGui.MainUI
clone.Title.Text = "Chatlogs"
clone.Visible = true