Issue with HTTPRequests

  1. I’m trying to make it so that when a function is called, a webhook is sent.

  2. Whenever I fire the function(or the webhook in any way), it gives me a error 400: bad request. At first I thought this was because I was testing it in studio, but when I tried it in Roblox Player it also failed to work.

  3. I’ve tried firing the webhook off of a remote event, and just off of the player joining and it still failed to work.

Before anyone asks, YES, HTTPRequests are enabled.

--This is a server sided script
function bruhWhyRobloxSuckWithHTTP(playerPassed)
	local success, errorMsg = pcall(function()
		local http = game:GetService("HttpService")
		local messageToSend = "!promote"..playerPassed
		Data = http:JSONEncode(messageToSend)
		http:PostAsync("MyDiscordWebHook", Data) --Put the link you saved between the two quotes.
		print("User passed a user!")
	print(success, errorMsg)

Your data is improperly formatted somehow. What is the website you’re sending a request to?

Discord, I’m attempting to fire a discord webhook when said function is fired.

You are just sending just a content string to Discord, which isn’t how their webhooks work. See their webhook documentation.

You need to send a proper webhook structure. Something like this would work (although if you look at the link above, you can see all of the valid arguments).

    username = "Bot username",
    content = "content string here",

(You MUST encode this into json before you send it)

Alright, thank you! This is my first time using webhooks, so I simply thought I could fire a string straight to discord. I’ll be sure to read their documentation sometime soon.

Most websites have documentation behind their endpoints. Discord’s is… a little bit more complicated, so I can understand that. Just make sure you check with each website you send requests to! :slight_smile: