Issue with laggy tweens

Hey Developers!

So, I have a hub that is 100% based on GUIs and tweens. In the studio, the tweens are perfect and lag-free, but in the game itself (live server) the tweens are lagging and delaying.

I’ll attach a video so you can see it better:

This is bothering me a bit and I don’t know how to solve it. If you can clarify or help me, I’d appreciate it! :happy2:

I got 2 reasons, (this might not even be the answer).

  1. Check your graphics, if this game is run completely on gui and tweens I wouldn’t recommend having really high graphics (This happened in my game when I would turn my camera and it would lag, but I would just put my frame rate at 60)

  2. Might honestly be your wifi, (I recommend getting a friend to try this, if it happens for them then that is probably not the problem)

Hope This Helps!

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I think it’s my wifi. I’ll test it and get back to you.

(One other thing) it seems like it lags the most when the loading circle finishes (this could be due to your script loading all of that info at once)

Make sure your tweening code is running on the client (i.e. a LocalScript).

You can also check the microprofiler to see if the game is freezing up.