Issue with math.random

I don’t necessarily have an issue with a script though how to write it. I’m using math.random to choose a random room (labeled as colors) and move it to a part. I made a table with all of the rooms and the math.random thing but not sure how to make an if statement if a certain room is chosen…

local rooms = {

 game.ReplicatedStorage["Yellow"] ,
local rando1 = math.random(1, #rooms)


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if rooms[rando1] then
     --we found a room!

Basically, the square brackets are meant to index a specific element of your rooms list. This if statement checks if that specific color in your list is nill or not, if it isn’t, then the code executes.

This makes a variable of the certain room that was picked

local chosenRoom = rooms[rando1]

So like this:

local rando1 = math.random(1, #rooms)

if rooms[rando1] then
	rando1.Parent = workspace
	local move = part1
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I edited my comment, sorry for the confusion

This is the final solution, based on the information you provided me:

local chosenRoom = rooms[rando1]
if chosenRoom then
         local _chosenRoom = chosenRoom:Clone()
         _chosenRoom.Parent = workspace
         local move = part1
         _chosenRoom.Position = part1.Position

In your latest script, you were actually cloning the random number itself. You need to clone your rooms table with the index of your random number. (I stored it in a variable so that it’s easier to read!)

Oh! ok thanks.
I get the error message:
Unable to cast Instance to Vector3

A random color is picked, And it is parented to the workspace but does not move.

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I’m not sure of what you mean.
If you want to copy a part then do local copied = rando1:Clone()
If you want to change a parts color store “Green” as a string and store colors as color3 variables

local green = Color3.fromRGB(0, 255, 0)

local rooms = {

if math.rando1 == “Green” then
part.Color = green

also good to see you’re active :slight_smile:

No uh green is the name of the room

This involves CFrames let me go get my code to look at,

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Ok thanks
here is the full code for refrence:

local rooms = {

 game.ReplicatedStorage["Yellow"] ,

local part1 = workspace.Location1
local part2 = workspace.Location2
local part3 = workspace.Location3
local part4 = workspace.Location4

local rando1 = math.random(1, #rooms)

local chosenRoom = rooms[rando1]
if chosenRoom then
	chosenRoom.Parent = workspace
	local move = part1

Are the rooms identical except for color

The rooms are not identical. Each room is the same shape but have a different color block on them

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Alright, I just made a blank studio project and tried the code. Found the error, you forgot to store the cloned part in a separate variable. This works:

local rooms = {

	game.ReplicatedStorage["Yellow"] ,


local part1 = workspace.Location1
local part2 = workspace.Location2
local part3 = workspace.Location3
local part4 = workspace.Location4

local rando1 = math.random(1, #rooms)

local chosenRoom = rooms[rando1]
if chosenRoom then
	local _chosenRoom = chosenRoom:Clone()
	_chosenRoom.Parent = workspace
	--local move = part1 This line is unnecessary!
	_chosenRoom.Position = part1.Position

Erm the rooms are models. .postion = .position does not work.

In your model you will see a attribute called primarypart, make a part called hitbox or TotalPosition in the direct center of your part.

You will then need to change the position of this part

Divide the models size by
X / 2
Y / 2
Z / 2
and make the parts position that for now, you will then need to add to it but ill work that out right now

local rooms = {

	game.ReplicatedStorage["Yellow"] ,


local part1 = workspace.Location1
local part2 = workspace.Location2
local part3 = workspace.Location3
local part4 = workspace.Location4

local rando1 = math.random(1, #rooms)

local chosenRoom = rooms[rando1]
if chosenRoom then
	local _chosenRoom = chosenRoom:Clone()
	_chosenRoom.Parent = workspace
	--local move = part1 This line is unnecessary!
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HAZZAH!!! It works!!!

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that too works I forgot about the MoveTo function, thanks Abigail. Good luck marshmellow