Issue with mesh textures (Gaps and heavy pixelation)

I made some armor (in blender) and created a high resolution texture, but when I uploaded it to roblox and pasted the id in the mesh I got very heavy pixilation, and gaps in the color.

unknown (1)

unknown (2)

So, what I’d like to know is both why this is occurring, and how can I fix my pixilation issue, it doesn’t need to be that high of resolution, but as it is currently, it’s completely unusable.


I think this is an issue with Roblox compressing the texture. Downscale the texture yourself and upload to Roblox. See if this does anything.

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Tried that, I found out in another post that the max resolution in roblox was 1024*1024, but reducing the resolution didn’t help the gaps in paint or just the general fuzzy appearance of the texture.

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This is roblox trying to decompress the mesh texture automatically i would suggest you go and do it yourself instead of letting a bot do it. We all now how robloxs bots are (cough-image mod bots-cough)

To me, it looks like there are three possible causes:

First off, if you are using Smart UV Project instead of just normally unwrapping it, you may run into this issue as Smart UV Project usually crams your UVs (ironically enough) in an un-intuitive way. This will give you either UVs that are too tiny, or UVs that are too tightly packed. If you are by any chance using this method of unwrapping, I highly encourage you to look into standard UV unwrapping instead.

The following applies to all forms of UV unwrapping, but make sure you have your island margin set roughly in the ~0.01 range as it’ll give ample room for pixel “bleed”. This means the colors for specific UVs won’t end up in other UV islands, as they wont bleed into each other. Keep this in mind for the next section!

Now, if you have done all of the above properly and it’s still not working, then the last suspect I have in mind is not dilating your textures enough. If the borders of a UV island are too close to the borders of a specific color, it’ll also end up bleeding outside when the model is far away or compressed.

Here is an example of a dilated texture:

Note the island margins and the “outline” around the UVs. This example is a 2-pixel dilation on a 256x256 texture, but you might need less or more depending on the size of your texture. Just eyeball it and opt for what you feel is best!

I hope this can help you narrow down the root of your problem, even if this isn’t the solution! Good luck with your model!