What I am trying to achieve is to have a timer displayed on top of your head.
I tried making the script only client-sided and it worked perfectly yet I as soon as I attempted to make it server sided it jsut didn’t work. (please be patient with me as I am still learning)
Main local script
local Timer = script.Parent
local Player = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer
local PlayerVals = Player:WaitForChild("PlayerVals")
local Updater = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):FindFirstChild("Timer")
local Timer = script.Parent
local RunService = game:GetService("RunService")
local Seconds = PlayerVals:WaitForChild("Seconds")
local Stop_Watch_Text = script.Parent.TextLabel
local TimeFolder = Instance.new("Folder")
TimeFolder.Name = "PlayerVals"
TimeFolder.Parent = plr
local Seconds = Instance.new("IntValue")
Seconds.Name = "Seconds"
Seconds.Parent = TimeFolder
while wait(1) do
Seconds.Value += 1
Stop_Watch_Text.Text = Seconds.Value
Here is the script which i believe is meant to receive the event
local Remote = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):FindFirstChild("Timer")
I understand my scripts may seem really dumb, but I would truly appreciate any sort of help, thanks!
local count = 0
local interval = 1 --number of secs after which the event will fire.
counter += dt
if counter >= interval then
counter -= interval
-- fire ur event/set seconds.Value.
And u shud be doing it vice-versa, that is setting the timer on the server and firing an event to the client.
Only a localscript is needed (depending on whether u want it to be exploitable or not):
local Timer = script.Parent
local Player = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer
local PlayerVals = Player:WaitForChild("PlayerVals")
local Timer = script.Parent
local RunService = game:GetService("RunService")
local Stop_Watch_Text = Timer.TextLabel
local count = 0
local interval = 1 --number of secs after which the event will fire.
counter += dt
if counter >= interval then
counter -= interval
Stop_Watch_Text.Text = tostring(tonumber(Stop_Watch_Text.Text) + 1)
Make sure the original text is set to “0” for this script to work.
So rather than using a surgace gui, use a billboard gui, which can be parented to a players head server sided and can contain a textlabel, which can be updated from the server.