What do you want to achieve? I’m currently working on a system in which whenever the player presses any of the WASD keys while in a seat (specifics not that important), their WASD movement is translated into the movement of two perpendicular lasers, one of the lasers moving when W or S is pressed, and the other moving when A or D is pressed. Whenever the player stops holding one of the keys I want the movement of the lasers to stop immediately. This movement is accomplished using tweening by the way.
What is the issue? Whenever the player stops holding onto one of the WASD keys, rather than the movement immediately ceasing it continues for upwards of 10 minutes while maintaining roughly the same speed as it did whilst it was being pushed.
What solutions have you tried so far? I’ve tried to make it so that when none of the keys are being pressed, the tweened movement stops, however that resulted in one of the lasers breaking completely and becoming unresponsive to movement. I may have implemented said solution incorrectly however I tried another method of doing so with no success.
Heres some code I’ve made thus far:
Serverscript designed to fire remotes that instruct the player clients to update the location of the lasers, used so that it feels more responsive
local CurrentXMovementVector = Vector3.new(0,0,0)
local CurrentZMovementVector = Vector3.new(0,0,0)
local X = 0
local Y = 0
local Z = 0
game["Run Service"].Heartbeat:Connect(function()
if cooldownDebounce == false then
cooldownDebounce = true
if ControllerheldWASDkeys[1] == true then
X = X + 0.01
if ControllerheldWASDkeys[2] == true then
Z = Z - 0.01
if ControllerheldWASDkeys[3] == true then
X = X - 0.01
if ControllerheldWASDkeys[4] == true then
Z = Z + 0.01
CurrentZMovementVector = Vector3.new(0,0,Z)
CurrentXMovementVector = Vector3.new(X,0,0)
if CurrentXMovementVector.X ~= 0 then
CurrentXMovementVector = Vector3.new(X,0,0)
updateClientLaserPosition:FireAllClients(WandSLaser, CurrentXMovementVector, CurrentXMovementVector.X, 100)
if CurrentZMovementVector.Z ~= 0 then
CurrentXMovementVector = Vector3.new(0,0,Z)
updateClientLaserPosition:FireAllClients(AandDLaser, CurrentZMovementVector, CurrentZMovementVector.Z, 100)
if CurrentXMovementVector.X == 0 and CurrentZMovementVector.Z == 0 then
cooldownDebounce = false
LocalScript which is connected to the remote fired in the previous script and updates the laser’s position
local function updateLaserPosition(LaserToUpdate, MovementVector, DistanceToMove, SpeedInStudsPerSecond)
if AandDLaserdebounce == false and LaserToUpdate == AandDLaser then
AandDLaserdebounce = true
if Players.LocalPlayer.Team ~= Teams.Controller then -- controller being the person in the chair who already updated the position of the lasers on their end
local updatedCframe = LaserToUpdate.CFrame + MovementVector
AandDTween = game.TweenService:Create(LaserToUpdate, TweenInfo.new((DistanceToMove/SpeedInStudsPerSecond),Enum.EasingStyle.Linear,Enum.EasingDirection.In,0,false,0), {CFrame = updatedCframe})
AandDLaserdebounce = false
if WandSLaserdebounce == false and LaserToUpdate == WandSLaser then
WandSLaserdebounce = true
if Players.LocalPlayer.Team ~= Teams.Controller then
local updatedCframe = LaserToUpdate.CFrame + MovementVector
WandSTween = game.TweenService:Create(LaserToUpdate, TweenInfo.new((DistanceToMove/SpeedInStudsPerSecond),Enum.EasingStyle.Linear,Enum.EasingDirection.In,0,false,0), {CFrame = updatedCframe})
WandSLaserdebounce = false
Feel free to ask for more info.