It’s not spawning it in that position, I’m not sure what I did wrong.
@Nabi check what the position it is changing if its `
then try printing WoolTable[stage]
@Nabi the position ur trying to change is nil thats why its not working
The problem is that :FindFirstChild(“Pos1”) isn’t finding anything. So it’s giving you nil (nothing). The error is you are then trying to access the .Position property of nil which has no properties.
yes thats what i said
yeah its nil and i told him that
one of the positions is nil that is why its not working btw
Please show us what is setting values in WoolTable
, or maybe an image of what’s in your script’s Parent. Or maybe just tell us what you’re even trying to do.
It’s supposed to clone Wool from the server storage, but it only spawns the first one and not the rest. It won’t find its position. Nil doesn’t get found anymore because parent then changes.