In my game, players can purchase pets, delete pets, and evolve pets. It takes 5 of the same type of pet to get a single pet with a higher evolution.
For example, 5 Bears Evolution 0 = 1 Bear Evolution 1
The Problem:
When a player evolves a pet, or deletes a pet, and then buys a new pet sometimes a pet is given an ID that is already taken (I’ve run some print statements to confirm this). So, if a pet is deleted, another with the same ID also gets deleted. Well, that’s what I think is happening.
When a pet gets evolved, 4 are deleted and 1 is kept (with the same ID as previously).
For each pet a player owns, a folder named after the pet is created under Players[LocalPlayer].Pets
Each pet folder has a Number value called Pet_ID
When the player starts out, each new pet gets a unique ID:
-- In ServerScriptService
local function totalPets(Player)
local Childen = Player:WaitForChild("Pets"):GetChildren()
local TotalPets = 0
for i = 1,#Childen do
TotalPets = TotalPets + 1
return TotalPets
-- when the event is fired to give a newly purchased, this is how the pet ID is assigned
Pet_ID.Value = TotalPets + 1
Here is the script when a pet gets deleted (or a pet gets evolved which requires the deletion of 4 pets):
RepStorage.RemoteEvents.PetDelete.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(Player, Pet_ID, IsEvolve, GetEvolve)
local PetFolder = getFolder(Pet_ID, Player)
local PlayerStats = Player:WaitForChild("PlayerStats")
local PetModel = PetFolder
if PetFolder.Equipped.Value == true then
PetFolder.Equipped.Value = false
local Pets = Player.Pets
local Children = Pets:GetChildren()
local PetsEquipped = {}
for i = 1,#Children do
if Children[i].Equipped.Value == true then
PetsEquipped[#PetsEquipped+1] = Children[i].Pet_ID.Value
--// Code to give some multipliers
local Level = PetFolder.Level.Value
if not GetEvolve then
local Children = Player.Pets:GetChildren()
if not IsEvolve then
for i = 1,#Children do
local prevPet_ID = Children[i].Pet_ID.Value
Children[i].Pet_ID.Value = i
if Children[i].Equipped.Value == true then
local Model = getPet(prevPet_ID, Children[i].Name, Player)
Model.Pet_ID.Value = Children[i].Pet_ID.Value
if GetEvolve then
PetFolder.Level.Value = PetFolder.Level.Value + 1
RepStorage.RemoteEvents.ChangePetsValue:FireClient(Player, "TotalEquipped")
RepStorage.RemoteEvents.ChangePetsValue:FireClient(Player, "TotalPets")
I am not sure how I can fix this issue and if the problem lies in how the pets are deleted/evolved or if it’s how the Pet_ID is given for new pets. Any pointers in the right direction would be immensely appreciated.