Issue with remotes

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    To find out why my remotes are generating a mystery parameter

  2. What is the issue? Include screenshots / videos if possible!
    There is a mystery number that appears in the print statement (692), which kicks out the Slot2 parameter and is messing up my code.
    Spcxtaa 692 AdminCommand GiveTokens Password Username

The local script

Remote:FireServer(Player, "AdminCommand", "GiveTokens", Password, Username, Amount)

The server script

Remote.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(Player, Request, Information, Password, Slot1, Slot2)
	print(Player, Request, Information, Password, Slot1, Slot2)

Remote.OnServerEvent automatically returns the player that fired it as the first argument.

So you’re sending an extra player variable when you do:

Remote:FireServer(Player, ...)

Just remove the Player argument that you send when you fire the remote.

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Remote:FireServer("AdminCommand", "GiveTokens", Password, Username, Amount)
is what @Ze_tsu meant.

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