I have been having this problem for forever and I have been putting off fixing it, but since players in my game have been talking about it I am going to try to fix it.
Does anyone know…
Why this happens…
My best guess this is Roblox’s way to keep people from getting stuck, but I don’t know, any ideas?
If you throw a bouncy ball off a cliff and it hits the ground below at 50 mph, that ball will bounce off the ground and up to a certain height. My guess would be that it’s something similar here, but instead of a bouncy ball its a robloxian going at the speed of light and instead of the ground it’s a wall. It’s perfectly normal, at least from what I’ve seen.
Try setting the players HumanoidRootParts’ elasticity to 0. elasticity is the tendency of the part to retain its energy when colliding. You can read about this here: PhysicalProperties | Roblox Creator Documentation
I dunno if it works in your case, but i had the same issue when spawning and teleporting. I managed to fix my issue by simply making the head of the character anchored, I dunno if this works out for you but if you are able to give it a try, feel free to do so
You’ll have to set the elasticity of the other parts that have canCollide on to 0 like the lower and upper torso. Depending on if its R6 or R15. and youll have to do this whenever the characters are added.
And another thing, sometimes super fast players can go through parts, especially thins ones. How would I go about fixing that? Maybe make the player’ s parts a lot more dense? Would that change how the player reacts to things?
So I just need to be running that forever in the humanoid, or set it one time?
You’ll just need to run it once when the character spawns in.
And another thing, sometimes super fast players can go through parts, especially thins ones. How would I go about fixing that? Maybe make the player’ s parts a lot more dense? Would that change how the player reacts to things?
Unfortunately there’s not an easy fix to this other than making the thin part in question thicker. Alternatively, you could also insert a (much thicker) invisible part behind it to act as a barricade.
Ok I tried both your solution, and @keith_220’s solution, and neither fix the issue for some reason, they are still bouncing around all over the place.