Issue with Rope Constraint NetworkOwner

I made a system that creates a Rope Constraint between 2 players on the server side but after making this i found out that the player who is attached by the Attachment1 will have their network owner set to the player who is attached by attachment1. i tried manually setting it back with :SetNetworkOwner but this didn’t work. here is a video of the issue:
(it may not be very obvious on the video but there is a huge delay between me pressing buttons and stuff happening for the Player on the second screen)

I also tried creating the ropeconstraint between the players heads instead of their HumanoidRootParts instead but that was even worse:

if anyone knows how i could fix this please lmk as i honestly dont know what to do


Could you send the place file?

its just a rope constraint connecting 2 players humanoid root parts on the Server Side.

if anyone knows a way that i can fix this pls lmk

Did you get any answers yet? i am having the same issues

i ended up achieving a decent effect but just having an anchored part created by each client that is attached to render stepped and is always positioned at the other persons HumanoidRootPart, then attaching the part to the localplayer humanoidrootpart with a ropeconstraint. i did this on both clients.

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