So I made this rig, and it has a model inside of it called wings. The wings are also rigged and I want to animate them. I made a referenceDummy and put it as a template so everytime a player would use the tool it would weld the wings onto the current player by cloning the wings, and the weld and changing the parents to the playerCharacter. Thing is, the animations work in Moon, along with the wing but when I load the animation onto my Character it only plays the part of the animation for the normal r6 body and not the welded wings on it. Any ideas why this happens?
Below is the part responsible for the weld:
wings.Parent = hum
local PlaneMotorClone = game:GetService("ServerStorage").Templates.RigTheLightningRef.HumanoidRootPart.Plane:Clone()
PlaneMotorClone.Parent = hum
PlaneMotorClone.Part0 = hum
PlaneMotorClone.Part1 = wings.Plane
^ The wings are animated and work on the dummy
As I said when i put the wings on MY CHARACTER the wing animations don’t play, no errors in output.
UPDATE: I tried playing the animation (It’s an idle animation for the dummy when it stands still) the r6’s character animations play but nothing plays on the wings!