Issue with scripting

First of all, this is my first post in the dev forum, so sorry if it looks, or sounds bad.

Hi, are there any recommendations on learning how to script? I would like to mention that I know advanced scripting to some extend (and by that I dont mean that im an expert) but for some reason I can’t even figure out how to even start, and sometimes i cant even make simple stuff.

Tutorials were somewhat useful when I first tried to learn lua, unfortunately, the creators would either stop posting videos, or switch off to posting irrelevant stuff, which doesnt really help me a lot in this situation.

Others have also recommended viewing the scripts in free models, however, when I tried to do that, I barely understood anything.
So im really stuck and I dont have a single idea from where to start or what to do.

(Ifyi, one of my main goals is making something similiar to the SCP-294, if you dont know what it is, its basically something like a vending machine, and it gives you anything you type on it e.g coffee, tea, fanta)

I used to watch videos until I started understanding basic scripting. I only knew a few things though (how to change part’s color and simple stuff like that) so whenever I wanted to make something new and difficult, DevForum and Developer Blog always helped me.
DevForum is good for when you get some kind of errors and you have no idea how to fix it.
Developer Blog is great at teaching you how different stuff works. These two combined will teach you a lot and exactly on the topic that you are interested in, and that’s how I got most of my scripting skills.

Starting into a project is a delicate thing, like making food. You have to make sure that everything fits where it needs to, and start with the right ingredients. First off you would start building and modelling, as well as making the UI, then end it with scripting. If you don’t know how to start, maybe a great studio youtube such as AlvinBlox could help you with a video tutorial (on his page).

For me, the DevForum helps me when I have a problem I don’t know how to solve. The DevHub helps me when I want to know the API of a function or Instance. YouTube doesn’t help me, because I like reading and writing digitally, but we may be different persons at this point.