Issue with selection

Hello guys! I’ve been having issues with selecting objects. Some odd things are happening, and I’m not sure why. I don’t have the beta movement system enabled, so I know that’s not the issue. Here is what I’ve found:

  1. Sometimes, when selecting 2 or more objects in the explorer, studio will crash
  2. When use a selection box (dragging with select tool) the box sometimes gets stuck to my mouse, and won’t disappear when I release it
  3. Using the scale, rotate and move tools won’t work if I’m too far away or the handles are over another object
  4. Objects also get stuck to my mouse occasionally

For some reason, these issues only affect one place, and are fine everywhere else. Is the file corrupted or may I have a virus?

If someone can offer some support it would be much appreciated!

Did you try reinstalling Roblox Studio? It usually fixes issues.

I’ll do that right now and let you know how it goes

Never doubt the off then on again trick! It seems to be normal. Thank you!

Nevermind, it didn’t help. Still getting the same problems

What place do you experience this issue at?

I had same issue when place file was corrupted, you can try copying all instances from corrupted rbxl, and make new baseplate and paste copied instances, worked for me

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That would probably crash studio if I tried it. My specs are not the best

You might need to upgrade your specs. I used to experience a similar issue before I upgraded.

I would love to. Alas, my wallet won’t let me

You can pack all instances in one folder with console, like this

local newFolder ='Folder')
newFolder.Parent = workspace
newFolder.Name = 'PackedInstances'
for i,v in pairs(workspace:GetChildren()) do
v.Parent = newFolder

EDIT: made typo, it should work now

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Will a folder really work? The selection boxes still surround each object

It shouldn’t highlight all objects, only bounding box