Issue with solid modeling, how do i fix?

Hello, I’m trying to make a simple pyramid using Roblox solid modeling for the alpha stage of my fighting game. The game has 3 islands, a plains island, a snow island, and a desert island. However, I noticed this really annoying issue when I finished modeling it.

It’s grey. That’s bad. AND ALSO…

the video supposed to go here was too large so ill tell you the problem

If i try to walk in the pyramid I basically dont go through the tunnel and walk right up as if It was a pyramid with no holes.

Please help!!!

There are SOOO many posts about this topic already. Try the Search button up top.

Basically if you need the entire thing one color click the Use Part Color property checkbox in the Union.

Small sections negated out of large Parts don’t always have the same physical shape as their visual shape. Try the CollisionFidelity property and set it to ‘PreciseConvexDecomposition’.

If that doesn’t help you may need to cut your pyramid into smaller Unions or use transparent CanCollide Parts for the physical shape and make the Union CanCollide false.