I have two tables. One is called ActiveAnimations, and the other is called Whitelist. I want to remove the objects from the Whitelist table, from the ActiveAnimations table. If those objects no longer exist, or are not within the ActiveAnimations table, I want it to do nothing.
I’m running into a problem, where when I use table.remove, it changes the index, preventing me from properly removing the objects. I’ve looked for resources, and they say to just use [1] as a constant index, but that doesn’t work for me as the ActiveAnimations table can include more than just what I am trying to remove.
I could’ve sworn I’ve fixed this before, but in my current state, my brain can’t fix what I believe should be a simple solution. I ask for assistance, please . . anyone.
Several hours stuck on this bug, I can feel my sanity slipping.
function AnimationModule:StopAllAnimations(FadeTime, Whitelist)
-- | Halting Active Animations not in Whitelist . .
for i,v in pairs(AnimationModule.ActiveAnimations) do
print(v.."is being reviewed")
if table.find(Whitelist, v) == nil then
AnimationModule:StopAnimation(v, FadeTime)
print(v.."Is whitelisted!")
Instead of removing items you don’t need you can instead keep items you do need. If that makes sense.
local newActiveAnimations = {}
for _,v in AnimationModule.ActiveAnimations do
print(v.."is being reviewed")
if table.find(Whitelist, v) == nil then
AnimationModule:StopAnimation(v, FadeTime)
print(v.."Is whitelisted!")
-- is whitelisted, so add to the list to keep
table.insert(newActiveAnimations, v)
-- replace all active animations with only the whitelisted animations
AnimationModule.ActiveAnimations = newActiveAnimations
Also you should change v to something like animation, so that it’s easier to understand/read.
I’ll definitely start changing v to animation from now on. Appreciate it.
I can see this working if this was the script alone, but in my module, the StopAnimation function removes it from the table automatically. Is there a way to make it function based on removal, or do I have to inverse it all?
Making a new table like this would be much more performant, but if your :StopAnimation() does some extra logic it would be better to remove each time.
You could also create a new batch :StopAnimations() function that takes a list of animations to stop, and then removes them using this method. And then you’d have to split the special logic from :StopAnimation() to a seperate function.
Here’s an example of how that could look
-- private function that does extra logic
-- private so that it can only be used by the module itself (to prevent (accidental) misuse)
function stopAnimation(animation, fadeTime)
-- put extra logic here
function module:StopAnimation(animation, fadeTime)
stopAnimation(animation, fadeTime)
-- remove the animation, you said that you're using table.remove()
-- but you don't pass an index so I don't know what to put here
function module:StopAnimations(animations, fadeTime)
local newActiveAnimations = {}
for _,animation in self.ActiveAnimations do
if table.find(animation, animations) then
stopAnimation(animation, fadeTime)
table.insert(newActiveAnimations, animation)
self.ActiveAnimations = newActiveAnimations
You could also replace {} in newActiveAnimations = {} with table.create() so that the table doesn’t need to constantly resize. But I’ll leave that up to you.
If you want to stay with your single :StopAnimation() function then you can also make your loop go backwards:
for i = #AnimationModule.ActiveAnimations, 1, -1 do
local animation = AnimationModule.ActiveAnimations[i]
Because when going backwards removing an element won’t change the indexes of the animations you still have to iterate over. Though this only works if .ActiveAnimations is an array. I don’t know whether it is because your use of pairs() instead of ipairs().