Issue with Wanwood Round Shades

The Wanwood Round Shades - Roblox item originally had a stock of 20,000 and a price of 200 robux. Old tweets from a verifiable source suggest this. It was intentionally meant to go on sale, however it was taken off sale in just under a second leaving no owners.

Expected behavior

I expect for the Wanwood Round Shades - Roblox item to be on sale for 200 robux with 20,000 copies, as how it was intended to be.

A private message is associated with this bug report


I hope it would go on sale, but realistically I don’t think Roblox would put it on sale. But, we can only hope.

Nonetheless, if Roblox decides to offsale old, timed items, they should have the same justice for items that are glitched and have never went onsale. This is equivalent exchange.

This was one of the only glitched limiteds to have actually been on sale albeit it was only for a short period. This item should’ve stayed on sale as how it was intended.


Thanks for the report! We’ll follow up when we have an update for you.


Same, I hope it goes onsale but time will tell.


I can see Roblox using this for the rumored upcoming President’s Day sale due to how close this bug report is to it.

let’s hope it goes back on sale

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This item should be onsale because it was meant to.

Waiting for this to return be like, really should have got a proper roblox item release

Can this item get looked into of being sold properly and getting a proper release.

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Agreed, This item needs a proper release!

Thanks for reporting this. After thorough consideration, we’ve made the decision not to address this particular issue. We understand this might be disappointing, and we appreciate your understanding. If you have other concerns or questions, feel free to let us know.

Thank you for clarifying this.