Issue with webhook sending

Hey everyone! I’m trying to make it so when someone buys one of the games’ devproducts, it would send a message to the webhook.
Though, it is not currently sending the message to the webhook.
Here’s my script, if that’s helpful:

local webhookLink = "WEBHOOKLINK"
local MarketplaceService = game:GetService("MarketplaceService")

MarketplaceService.PromptPurchaseFinished:Connect(function(player, assetId, isPurchased)
	if isPurchased then
			local Asset = game:GetService("MarketplaceService"):GetProductInfo(assetId)
		    local http = game:GetService("HttpService")
		    local data = 
						["embeds"] = {{
							["title"] = "New Donation",
							["description"] = "**"..player.Name.."** just donated `"..Asset.PriceInRobux.."`!",
							["thumbnail"] = {
								["url"] = "" .. player.UserId,
							["type"] = "rich",
							["color"] = 2489161
		data = http:JSONEncode(data)
		http:PostAsync(webhookLink, data)

I have tried this in a LocalScript in StarterPlayerScripts and a script in ServerScriptService.

Any help is appreciated, thanks!


Are you getting any errors in the Output window? Also, make sure HTTP Requests are enabled in Studio


Is enabled and no output. (30chars)

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That color isn’t valid

AQUA: 1752220,
GREEN: 3066993,
BLUE: 3447003,
PURPLE: 10181046,
GOLD: 15844367,
ORANGE: 15105570,
RED: 15158332,
GREY: 9807270,
DARKER_GREY: 8359053,
NAVY: 3426654,
DARK_AQUA: 1146986,
DARK_GREEN: 2067276,
DARK_BLUE: 2123412,
DARK_PURPLE: 7419530,
DARK_GOLD: 12745742,
DARK_ORANGE: 11027200,
DARK_RED: 10038562,
DARK_GREY: 9936031,
LIGHT_GREY: 12370112,
DARK_NAVY: 2899536,

And there is no reason to supply the embed type when by default it is “rich”, this is most likely an issue with your marketplaceservice code


The color isn’t right.
Try this
[“color”] = 0x2489161

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The color is valid I believe. I used an embed vizualiser. I guess Lua doesn’t support those color codes than just these specific ones. I will give that a try.

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it depends on the URL, roblox doesn’t allow webhooking with nontrusted websites, due to ip logging concerns.

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You can do webhooks with discord.

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Is he doing discord webhooks? 30 charssss

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From looking at the code, it looks like discord webhooks.

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They aren’t hex codes, they are integer representations of hex codes

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The color code they said wasn’t a HEX code, I now can’t remember the name of it… but it should also work on webhooks. (I haven’t tried the modifications btw.) HEX codes are 6 characters.

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Hey, doesn’t seem to work:

local webhookLink = ""
local MarketplaceService = game:GetService("MarketplaceService")

MarketplaceService.PromptPurchaseFinished:Connect(function(player, assetId, isPurchased)
	if isPurchased then
			local Asset = game:GetService("MarketplaceService"):GetProductInfo(assetId)
		    local http = game:GetService("HttpService")
		    local data = 
						["embeds"] = {{
							["title"] = "New Donation",
							["description"] = "**"..player.Name.."** just donated `"..Asset.PriceInRobux.."`!",
							["thumbnail"] = {
								["url"] = "" .. player.UserId,
							["color"] = 3066993
		data = http:JSONEncode(data)
		http:PostAsync(webhookLink, data)

I also tried @varjoy’s color, didn’t work.
I also tried this in a server script and a LocalScript. Which one do you think this belongs to?

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GetProductInfo should be passed an infotype, unless its an Asset. I believe your product is either a gamepass or devproduct, so you need to specify that with Enum.InfoType.Product or Enum.InfoType.GamePass.

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Do you think this would work on a LocalScript or a Server Side script?

local webhookLink = "WEBHOOK"
local MarketplaceService = game:GetService("MarketplaceService")

MarketplaceService.PromptPurchaseFinished:Connect(function(player, assetId, isPurchased)
	if isPurchased then
		    local Asset = game:GetService("MarketplaceService"):GetProductInfo(assetId)
		    Asset = Enum.InfoType.Product
		    local http = game:GetService("HttpService")
		    local data = 
						["embeds"] = {{
							["title"] = "New Donation",
							["description"] = "**"..player.Name.."** just donated `"..Asset.PriceInRobux.."`!",
							["thumbnail"] = {
								["url"] = "" .. player.UserId,
							["color"] = 3066993
		data = http:JSONEncode(data)
		http:PostAsync(webhookLink, data)
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Pretty sure the issue lies with the marketplace service code. I am pretty sure prompt purchase is for the purchase of roblox gear in your game. However if you are trying to log dev products you will need to use MarketplaceService/ProcessReceipt MarketplaceService | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub

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Do you think this would work on a LocalScript or a Server Side script?

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Server script. @kingerman88 is correct, since prompt purchase finished is not to handle purchasing.