Issue with Weld and Tweening

Hello! I’ve come across an issue, it seems that when I open this door I made, the handle part stays in the same position instead of following the door. If I unanchor the handle, it follows the door but doesn’t play the tween, any help is appreciated!!


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to fix this anchor the actual door instead of anchoring the handle. Also base the tween from the door.

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The tween wont play for my handle unless it’s anchored, and I have the tween based off of a hinge so it opens smoothly. I’m not sure how I can make it smooth otherwise. I did find a way to make it work by setting the handle to Anchored in the script and after it plays I set it to unanchored so it follows the door. I’m sure there is a more efficient way though.

you could rig the door so you can make it open via an animation rather that using tweenservice

Edit: what might be easier is to just rig the handle and make just the handle movement an animation


What @ethairo said is the proper way.

You want to rig the door with two simple joints connected to an Anchored Root Part of the model.

Joint A is the door itself (since it needs to move) connected to the Root Part

Joint B is the handle itself (since it needs to rotate) connected to the Door itself, since you want them to move as one.

You can look into Animation Controllers, and the basics of rigging here to get started:

Generally Tweening or Looping, Position or Rotation properties via the server uses an enormous amount of bandwidth, and can end up hindering your network performance. Therefore it’s generally avoided for anything other than simple changes rather than full fledged animation.

Best of luck!


Thanks! I’ll look more into it!