The uv mapping is wrong.
Roblox is not importing the uv map correctly
Textures splattered all over mesh
Example images (2)
I “fixed” the errors by changing the texture file to the file it was trying to get.
I found this out from roblox's tutorial (video):
But it just puts the textures on with no uv coordinates (very bad)
This is what happens (image)
I’m not sure why something like this is happening.
Possibly roblox isn’t importing the UV map with it too. (file is an obj if this helps)
I’ve also tried baking all materials into one. it does work but it gives me no rig.

And if I try putting the image that has all the baked materials on it as a surface appearance or textureId it just smashes all the textures on the mesh with no 0,0,0 uv map coordinates. (bad)
This has been an ongoing issue for 1-2 weeks now.
Every post I make gets no replies (i appreciate any help
). I can’t report this as a bug or anything either (no permission).
I’ve found posts with issues similar to mine but are all unsolved.
Any… ANY help is appreciated. Any ideas. Any thoughts. Whatever, will help a ton (since i have gotten no clue on why this is happening and how to fix it)
Update #2
I’ve baked all textures/materials into one. Transferred the weights for the rig and all that.
And I get this:

Everything is black except for the eyes?
EDIT: lol i found out why. roblox doesn’t import the uv mapping with it either
this is gonna go on forever. id be better off learning unity or unreal than this.
Update #3
Genuinely driving me insane. I cant handle this anymore. This is simply impossible.
Thanks for all the help guys its been a ride.
After having opened over 5000 tabs of devforum, blender forums, youtube videos, stackoverflow, google searches, etc, and blender and roblox crashing over 20 times I don’t think roblox can import skinned rigs properly rn and its a bug no one mentions.
I will hire someone for any amount in whatever currency you want
USD or Robux to fix this for me and get it working. I’ll pay a lot I am very desperate to get this working and I’ve already wasted days and days trying to. I have 10x more missing homework now because I’d rather work on this. (It doesn’t ever want to work
). So I’ll pay a good amount if you GET IT TO WORK. Im losing sleep, losing my mind, from roblox, ikr crazy right CRAZY but i need to fix this i need to if i dont i’ll be in a never-ending loop of suffering over this goddamn roblox game. this isn’t even 1% of my game and the amount of models i need to import. I NEED TO IMPORT THIS MODEL WITH TEXTURES AND A RIG
sorry if this sounds demanding but i simply want a rig with a texture and a rig that works.
i just don’t know how to do that with this specific model and want some clue or some hint into how to do it because it just doesn’t work.
i know this post will probably never be solved because of how long ive made it. but idc and ill probably delete it soon.