Issues in Roblox Moderation

I was warned on 5/27/2024 at 11:08:17 AM (CT) for Sexual Content, I uploaded an Arrow Image which was for a billboard GUI that was related to a commission I have, it was a photo from Google. But I got warned for 'Sexual Content". I’m 100 percent sure this warning was auto-moderated including my appeal I sent via the reports-appeal section in the Roblox site. It was denied literally after TWO minutes of submitting my appeal.

The genuine question here is why Roblox’s moderation has this many flaws. I’m pretty sure appeals should not be monitored by AI.

I know it’s just a warning but this will eventually stack up and harm my DevEx membership and creations in roblox.


You’re out of hope. Can you show us the image though?

he might get automoderated here if he show the image

No, the moderation here is much, much better than roblox. All moderation is handled by humans and it’s like what you think.

ROBLOX AI moderation risks the careers of skilled developers hence is what keeps a lot of skilled developers out of roblox. People can spend months on developing their game until they get falsly banned for sexual assault or hate speech.


Explain why i got banned when i asked “When did roblox became popular in your country” in developer discussion? i can literally get any post removed by flagging it and the AI moderation wont check it

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It’s probably your own fault. I can tell you again, there is no AI involved in the moderation here. You also probably didn’t got banned, just post deleted.

Roblox moderation was never good at all.
For example, I was reported user, that’s was trying to scam me, eg. “flagged limited”.

This guy is still not banned.

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What I do when developing anything for a game is upload all the assets in team-create with my alt. I’ve also been banned for animation IDS, names, and images. So I’ve just switched to uploading items on an alt, so I avoid getting falsely banned or warned for doing nothing at all.

I believe the owner still gets banned if another account uploads an inappropriate image sadly.

I would recommend you contacting Roblox support to appeal as an actual human would review it.

Same here I had that same message and reported it, but the guy who did it never got banned.

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Not if the alt account is the group owner; also, don’t upload inappropriate images. All I’ve gotten are warnings at most and a 1-day ban on my account. I haven’t had any issues with this common approach.

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