Hi everyone, this is actually my first post and I’m glad to be apart of the new community. Introductions aside, I am currently having issues regarding trying to recheck an unarchived (yes I’m serious, it’s UNarchived) intro GUI to a horror game I’ve been making recently.
I do not wish to restart the thing from scratch, as I am an amateur at Lua and rewriting around 500 lines of code is difficult enough and time consuming for me (for real world reasons atm, of course). It is essentially like having a professional lua coder lose around 2k+ worth of code in comparison and I need to be able to find a way to fix this. I did not realize unarchiving something in studio would erase itself after being published as I just thought it was like a comparative example for the function instances :Remove() and :Destroy() but instead with Archivable and Disabled.
I tried looking into an article on the forum beforehand about this but didn’t find anything useful as it was for assets and other things that was not related to any in-game instances. I did not expect it to act this extreme. I also thought of restoring an autosave but quickly realized studio does not log anything if the game/place has been published successfully. Reverting to an earlier version of the game is also extremely invonvenient for me personally as I essentially didn’t really have the GUI set up in that one (version 8); it was practically bare bones in fact.
If anyone has a solution that could restore my lost Intro GUI, please do tell! Thanks
TL;DR: Game Intro GUI system “unarchived”, need help getting it back somehow without needing to rewrite it (since I didn’t save in between the ongoing development of the whole thing.)