Issues while CFrame teleporting with variables

I’ve been trying to make a system to teleport using a randomized value when a player joins the game.

local Players = game:GetService("Players")
local function PlayerAdded(plr)
	local mapspawn ="Folder")
	mapspawn.Name = "spawnpoint"
	local spawnpoint ="NumberValue")
	spawnpoint.Name = "point"
	spawnpoint.Value = math.random(1,7)
	spawnpoint.Parent = plr

This is the code I used to assign a random variable on spawn. it works as intended

the code i’m working on for the inRound teleport system is as follows

	if inRound.Value == true then
		for i, plr in pairs(game.Players:GetChildren()) do

			local char = plr.Character
			local humanRoot = char:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart")

			for _, plr in Players:GetPlayers() do -- Loop over the player list
				local char = plr.Character
				local root = char:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart") -- Waiting for rootparts will delay other player teleports, might want to make each iteration a different thread
				local spawnpoint = plr.spawnpoint.point.Value -- Add value, it is important!
				local spawn = game.Workspace.mapspawn:FindFirstChild("spawn"..tostring(spawnpoint)) -- Check if there is an existing spawnpoint (spawn1, spawn2, ...)
				if not spawn then continue end -- if there is no spawn go for the next player, might wanna change this logic
				root.CFrame = spawn.CFrame -- teleport player!

			plr.Team = playingTeam
				plr.Team = lobbyTeam

the else is for a different teleport, which works as intended.

I don’t think you need to loop through the players inside of your loop that is already looping through the players. You might try to print(spawn) after setting it to see what value it is coming back with to make sure it is finding your spawn in mapspawn and not just continuing on.