Issue's with a Roblox group - Games and owner

Hello everyone. Me and my friend @Javest07 have made a group on the Roblox website, to have our game, COR (Clash of Roblox). The issue is, @Javest07 made the Osrest group, but I made COR on my account in Roblox Studio. Is there a way that I or @Javest07 can put COR into the group, or do I have to make the group myself? We have team create activated on the world, What can I do?, @Javest07 already made Osrest, and we don’t want it to go to waste.

Also, is there a way that I become an owner, or co-owner of that group in particular, at least to be able to configure and upload content to the group?

@Javest07 has to give your rank in the group perms to configure, edit, and make new games in the group. Then you need to go on to the game, click the save as, and save it as a game to that group.
If you need any help, then feel free to ask me.

EDIT: @Javest07 has to make a rank of Co-Owner in the group, and change your role to that so you will be Co-Owner. He wont have to buy a new rank if he does not want to, the name of a rank that is already there can be changed.

Ok so reading the post, I’ve tried your listed solutions, but it didn’t quite work, @Javest07 told me that he can’t change his own role, or my role beyond admin, also he needs to make the co owner role right? We also renamed the admin role to co-owner, but nothing really happened. I’ll try to do a save as on COR too and see what happens.

Also, very free to ask, do you happen to have Discord?

EDIT: Oh problem solved, here is the solution:

Have the leader or owner leave the group, then claim the group as your own on the three buttons to the side of the group title.

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I recommend instead of the owner leaving it, you transfer ownership.

Me to, then their is less of a chance of the wrong person getting it.

Well that’s the thing, it’s pretty good that the group is new, also the original leader said he couldn’t just give me ownership, no way to edit roles beyond 254, no way he can edit his own role etc.
Could it be a glitch?

Wait, is your friend @Javest07 still the owner. If so, have him click configure group on the group page, then have him scroll down and click change owner, then have him type your username in. Then once he clicks okay, then you will be owner, and change all the roles.

I dont think its a glitch.

Well yesterday I turned into the owner of the group, so it’s all good there.
And yes, we clicked every button in the group to see if there was an option to change owner, but we didn’t see anything related to it.

So, who do you want to change the owner to? I thought you wanted to be the owner of it.

I am, thats why I marked this thread as solved.

Oh, my wifi must be bad since I did not see that before.

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Actually, bumping the group, how exactly do I move a game that I have saved and published, on the “my games” tab to the group games tab, the group is already set, the game is already made, but I’m having trouble figuring out how to move my game to the group games. What can I do?

So go on to the game in studio, and make a new game in the group. Then go to the game on studio and click save as. Then you click the update existing place button. Change it so it would save it as that new game in the group. Everything should save from the game. But you might need to re enter the name and the thumbnails into the game, since they don’t always transfer.

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All right I’ll test it out then, lets see…

EDIT: Effectively, it worked, nice!!