Issues with clip descendants when tweening ui

As you can see from the video, the close frame (and the close frame only) has somehow eluded clip descendants. This frame is parented to a frame that is parented to another frame that has clip descendants enabled.

What is happening here? Does anyone know how I can fix it?
UI tree:
The reason the close button is made out of frames is to match another UI that tweens these frames:

Thanks for your help!

What is the z-index with the glitched gui compared to the others?

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ZIndex shouldn’t have anything to do with it, but it is set to 1 and the others are also at 1.

is it just the position of the guis you are tweening?

Figured out the issue, the rotation of the close is set to 45, and for some reason clip descendants is ignoring UI with any rotation. Is there anyway to get around that?

ClipDescendants only works on GuiObjects with a Rotation of 0, and that hasn’t changed since it first released sadly. Your best bet is to upload the X as an image.

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I ended up only rotating the frames inside of the close frame and that seemed to work.