Issues with clothing templates

Hello all,

I am clothing designer, and I do clothing commissions often. Someone I had worked with made me aware of this, and its extremely annoying. Does anybody know why it might be happening and is there a way I can easily fix it?

When you look in the avatar window, it shows my clothes with some strange black lines, where the joins of my template are. See below:

This is the template I use here, and the exact one I used for the image above (obviously without my actual design in, for the protection of it). It is just a modified version of the roblox template, and is in no way a different size, ive just outlined and switched some colours.

These lines do go away for me when in a game, however someone has shown me that the lines appear on their character in the avatar window, as well as in games. They have a scaled, R15, ‘Blocky’ Character, with these scaling options.

The only thing I can think of is to send the clothes out to customers without the template, but that can cause it to look unprofessional, and some people don’t like it when you send them these. If this is the only option then fine, I’ll have to do that instead, but I wanted to know if other people have a problem first.

I don’t know whether its a bug with roblox, or if its to do with the fact your supposed to turn the template off when uploading. If it is a bug, I’ll pass it on to roblox themselves.

Thanks in advance for your help,

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I just saw your template, and those black outlines is the reason. Normally, these places on the Roblox template are empty. If you don’t remove them, this issue will never get fixed.

On the roblox template they arent transparent, they just arent black. They are still there though

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Don’t get me wrong, I said empty, not transparent. Roblox on its own template ignores these places, but don’t expect this system to be 100% compatible with custom templates, like yours.

Alright, but why would simply changing the colour to black make a difference?

I am not sure, maybe your custom template isn’t 100% accurate in comparison to the Roblox one. Anyway, using custom templates doesn’t make you “professional” (in my opinion, at least).

I’m 99% sure it is the same. And yeah I understand that, but having no template at all makes it look messy, especially when there are things everywhere that wont load into the finished product. I might continue to use my template, but just make where the black lines are incorporated with the clothing, therefore there is no reason for it to be loading in the black lines.

I think if its not a bug, that is the best option for me. Thank you for your advice!

Or do you think switching my black bits to grey or white would fix it? Is it because theyre different colours? The person noted the pinks dots were also showing up too, so you think getting rid of the lines completely would be the best option?

So it’s confirmed it’s a problem of your custom template. If I were you, I would use the default template or I would make again a custom one, because it will be a little bit tricky to fix this issue.

Yeah, but surely using the roblox one or making a new custom one is going to just have the same problem, I feel like the template isn’t lining up entirely correctly when roblox wraps it around characters.

So the only solution is to use the Roblox one. That way you’ll be sure you won’t experience an issue like that again.

Well, I can try it, but I’m not sure if thats going to make a difference. I never used to have any issues, and its leading me to think there is a bug with the way it takes the templates and wraps them round characters. If my template is identical in size to that one, I really dont see how it would make a difference.

As I have already stated before, you can be sure you won’t have an issue using the default template, since Roblox already recognises it. You simply won’t have a problem.

I’m having this same issue but I do not use a custom template. I use the default Roblox one, it has been bugging me but I don’t know how to get rid of them.

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There you go then. Its not my template, its a bug with roblox system.

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Then I cannot do anything else, contact Roblox Support and report the issue or wait until the PA replacement is done.

I am on that now. Seems to be the only way this will be fixed, as aside from not using a template at all, we cannot fix this issue ourselves.

There is no issue with the template. Those lines are appearing because of the lines that are present throughout the transparent areas.


These lines appear because the image gets slightly compressed when the algorithm puts the template on the shirt.

A solution is to create two layers in your drawing program: One for the template and one (or more) for the shirt. The template layer should always be on top. When you draw the shirt, use a layer lower than the template.


When you’re complete, hide the layer with the template and then export.

From this:

To this:


That’s something I thought of trying, but the parts around the clothing look ‘messy’, according to some customers. If thats the only way to do it then fine, I’ll have to do that but its not really ideal.

The result of doing this method will come out exactly like it would if the template was visible. It only looks messy when the template is gone. You can explain to your clients that if you had the template visible, lines would appear in their uploaded shirts.