Issues with custom rig animation

Hello I have absolutely no clue how to 3d model so I am completely stumped on this. I have bought a few different rigs and all seem to have the same issue if I try to use Mixamo animations.

In this animation it seems the root isnt rotating like its supposed to in the original animation:

Original Mixamo Animation:

Does anyone know what is going on or what I am doing wrong? I have no problem sending my files to someone to take a look.


I think if its the “turning around” part, you’re trying to get, as in the original animation, you may need to use the Roblox animator and manually turn the character’s model at the appropriate keyframes. I’m suprised the animations worked, from a rig you were able to get from that site - I’m new to this, myself.

Even if I try just a walking animation the hips stay very rigid and all animations look very awkward

The issue is that the point of the hips is locked in the same location over the animation sequence. This makes every animation work incorrectly. I am experiencing the same thing using Mixamo animations put into Blender and then exported out. The animation works fine except that the hips are locked in space.

Here’s what it looks like in Blender

Here’s what it looks like in Studio

So how can you unlock the hip so it moves freely?


I had this issue too! In my case, I moved the HumanoidRootPart’s position, and the motor6D that connected it to the LowerTorso (called “Root”) disappeared. I’ve noticed that, for some reason, welds and motor6ds sometimes disappear in Studio when you move their connected parts. Make sure you still have all your motor6ds, and if they’re missing you should be able to re-add them (and re-connect them to their respective parts) without having to re-rig your character:

Screenshot (117)

I hope this helps!


I’m more of a modeler than an animator but I’ve figured out a few things that may help. First of all, Mixamo can be great, but the animations that aren’t “in place” are much harder to work with as the humanoid root part will often want to snap back to its original position after the animation is finished playing, taking the entire rig with it. Second, if you want the rig to actually look like it’s on the ground, set hip height to 2. That will usually fix the floating issue. It looks like you aren’t allowing the lower torso to move and everything stems from there. If it isn’t allowed to move, then it can’t rotate. I’m sorry I don’t know much more that can help. Keep me updated.

Whatever you are using as a humanoid root, it’s anchored, try to unanchor it. I’m not sure tho.

Hey, did you find any solution for this problem?

I replied to this post months ago but I didn’t have much of a solution. Now I find myself having this same problem. I imported a custom rig (all one mesh) I created and imported the Mixamo animations and the hip/lower torso area just doesn’t move at all while playing animations. Anyone know a fix?

None of these have worked for me.

I’m no expert on custom rigs however I’ve found a half-fix.

Firstly I imported the character into Blender then exported it without the bone structure (just the plain mesh). Then, uploaded the newly exported copy to mixamo and was prompted to auto-rig the character. I did this and then selected the animation(s) I wanted and exported them to roblox.

After doing this the animation should work perfectly. There definitely will be a better way to fix this however through trial and error this was the only technique I could find.


Although this solution works, you can lose precision and extra bones. If your armature has bones for ears, hair, etc… it will completely remove the bones.