Skinned mesh FBX animation import problems

  1. I’ve been attempting to import animations on this chimpanzee rig for the last hour and I think I’m going insane. No matter how I attempt to import them the same issue persists.

  2. The problem is that when I import an FBX animation (from mixamo) into roblox, the root bone does not move at all. The animation appears in mixamo just fine and furthermore it appears in blender just fine as well.

  3. I’ve tried re-importing the rig to mixamo and roblox, using the push down feature in blender for NLA strips, and specifically selecting the animation in blender before exporting. All have the exact same result in roblox shown here:

This is my desired result:


Hello, Have you checked to make sure that none of your Rig’s Meshparts/parts are Anchored? Anchored parts dont move in the animation editor you see.

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I’ve had the same issue and saw another post where it was resolved but was unable to replicate it. Has anyone else experienced this issue?