Hello everyone, I’m learning about Motor6D and I’ve just made the first animated tool using Motor6D. The only issue is that when I equip the tool there’s a strange animation before the idle one: https://gyazo.com/52278e828897741f55aed68d894e94ca
(the idle animation is set to “idle”, could it be the problem?)
How it appears on studio: https://gyazo.com/c0a8a62a50a75e8944f2376c7d8a7689 (tried messing up with positioning and other stuff but I can’t find a solution. The Part0 of the Motor6D is the Right Arm)
How the idle animation actually should be: https://gyazo.com/51c7de2e1e9448704dfac5f30cef3da7
Any help?