Issues with marketplaceService

Hello. I have been experiencing a very annoying issue with the MarketplaceService.
When I test my game, there is like a small chance when I buy my DeveloperProduct it will work.
Here is the local Script:

-- Replace with your GamePass ID
local gamePassId = 2682775305  -- Replace with your actual GamePass ID

-- Get the Player object
local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer

-- Get the button (assumes this script is inside the button)
local button = script.Parent

-- Function to prompt the Developer Product purchase
local function promptDeveloperProductPurchase()
	-- Check if player exists
	if player then
		-- Prompt the player to purchase the Developer Product
		print("Product bought from client!")
		game.MarketplaceService:PromptProductPurchase(player, gamePassId)
		warn("Player not found. Ensure this script is running in a LocalScript.")

-- Connect the function to the button's MouseButton1Click event

Here is the server script that processes the purchases:

-- Debug message at the start
print("Script running")

-- Ensure ProcessReceipt is set up every time
game.MarketplaceService.ProcessReceipt = function(receiptInfo)
	-- Debugging: Confirm that the event is firing
	print("ProcessReceipt triggered for ProductId:", receiptInfo.ProductId, "PlayerId:", receiptInfo.PlayerId)

	-- Get the player who made the purchase
	local player = game.Players:GetPlayerByUserId(receiptInfo.PlayerId)

	if player then
		print("Player found: " .. player.Name)

		-- Wait for the player's leaderboard data (or any other relevant data) to load
		local leaderstats = player:WaitForChild("leaderstats", 10)  -- Wait for leaderstats, with a 10-second timeout

		-- Check if leaderboard data is available
		if leaderstats then
			print("Player's leaderboard loaded!")
			-- Firing the event for the purchase
			local success, errorMessage = pcall(function()
				game.ReplicatedStorage.ProcessPurchase:Fire(player, receiptInfo.ProductId)
			if success then
				print("Event fired successfully!")
				print("Error firing event: " .. errorMessage)
			-- Leaderboard not loaded
			print("Player's leaderboard data not loaded in time.")
		print("Player not found!")

Here is some videos of the problem:

Third party sales is on, HTTPS requests is on, The server script is in ServerScriptService, The local script is inside of a GUI button in StarterGui.
I use a M1 Macbook air for programming.