Issues With Modifying Multiple Parts Individually Using 1 Script


I’m attempting to modify multiple parts using 1 script and I want them to be changed individually. And I only want this to effect the local player. In order to do this. I have a folder inside the workspace called “Dissolving Parts” and inside it contains all the parts I want to modify.


I have a local script inside of StarterPlayerScripts which contains this code:

local parts = game.Workspace.DisolvingParts:GetChildren()

local function Disolve(part) 
	part.CanCollide = false
	print("Collision Modified") -- NOT PRINTING IN OUTPUT

for i, v in pairs(parts) do
	v.Touched:Connect(function() Disolve(v) end)

However, the game is either not registering the parts being touched or it’s not calling the function because it is not printing “Collision Modified” into the output.

All help is appreciated!