Issues with music regions regarding to alvinblox video

Hello so I have been trying to make music zones so I tried one of @Alvin_Blox tutorials and somehow it did not work sadly which is disappointing.

  1. What is the issue? music zones are not playing so far I did exactly what Alvin told me to.

Is what I scripted / told to do.

Sadly I didn’t have enough time to check the output I am going to check soon.

  1. What solutions have you tried so far? I tried asking my head developer to look into this and somehow he doesn’t know about music regions

If anyone is able to assist me with this let me know or you can contact me on discord if you can not reply here. CorruptDetected#0339

Oh update here on what it says.

I suppose this is a local script.
It just tells you that there isn’t such a thing called SoundRegions, in your PlayerGui.soundregions. It doesn’t exist or has a different name.

script.Parent.SoundRegions --This is equal to nil, you can even print it to see.