Issues With New Lighting "Improvements"

Hello all!
I’m working on a map for my TD game, and I came across a devastating issue. Below is my map, currently, in its intended lighting.

Now, here’s the map with Roblox’s oh-so-handy “optimizations.”

Completely different. The second one looks terrible. It’s not even close to what I was envisioning.
I use Future lighting because its shadows look spectacular and offer visual clarity when needed. Future can look really good - but not when compatibility is active. The map is large to convey the scale of the industry that the threat you face possesses. Toning down the scale will not work. I would like to know if there is a way to disable this limiting optimization setting.
By the way, testing in-game proves that this does affect the map. Heavily.
Thank you in advance!

P.S: I use full graphics in studio. Doesn’t change a thing.

not much you can do about it, sadly. yes, Future looks very pretty, but it’s also very performance intensive - which makes it nigh impossible for most devices to run Future lighting. that’s why on 3 or below, the game automatically changes lighting to Compatibility. no matter what you do, you can never rule out the possibility of someone switching to Compatibility.

if you don’t want to rework the lighting, then MAYBE you can run a script that blocks the players control if the graphics settings are below, say 6. however, this does deny a large section of players a smooth experience.

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