I have mini characters that float around a player’s character and if gets kind of annoying because the collisions are enabled and they keep knocking each other around.
(The mini character/pet is an R15 rig)
I tried this:
for i,e in pairs(Pet:GetChildren()) do
if e:IsA("MeshPart") then
e.CanCollide = false
elseif e:IsA("Part") then
e.CanCollide = false
I discovered this:
If you try to disable CanCollide on UpperTorso or Head it just instantly changes back
So at this point I have no idea how to turn the collisions off, any help is appreciated!
Thanks for reading
You can try just setting its collision group to a different group where they don’t collide with themselves.
There are two ways of doing this:
- Configure the collision groups in studio, set your mini character’s collision group id property to the appropriate group.
You can also use a hybrid of the two, create the collision groups in studio and set them using a script.
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So with physics service you can set a specific part’s collisions towards another specific part?
Would it be possible to make everything within the character unable to collide with any other part in the game?
Yes, you can, you would just have to use CollisionGroupSetCollidable
and loop through all collision group names you created.
or you can just uncheck everything in your mini-character’s collision group from the editor. Same thing really.
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" or you can just uncheck everything in your mini-character’s collision group. Same thing really."
How exactly would I go about doing this?
So I’ll just show this with pictures from the collision group editor in studio:
Say you have the editor here:
You can create your group using the
+Add Group
text box thing:
looks ugly lol
Then when you create the new collision group, you can uncheck all its boxes:
Finally, you would just have to add the mini characters by selecting their models and clicking the plus button to the left of the
collision group’s name, and that should be it!
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Works perfectly! Thanks a ton!
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