// Issues with NPC animations

I’m working on an NPC animation, Here is the script I’m using

local hum = script.Parent:WaitForChild("Humanoid") -- Find the Humanoid
local anim = hum:LoadAnimation(script:FindFirstChildOfClass("Animation")) -- It finds anything inside of the script that is "Animation" and loads it.
anim.Looped = true -- If your animation is not looped, you can loop it like this.

The animation is a child of the script, The animation is published to a group I own.

Im totaly unsure of why the animation isnt playing? Its set to a idle
(Screenshots of the child/parent)

Thank you so much!

Try loading it on Humanoid.Animator?

Still no anim playing, I still have no idea

Is the game under the same group the animation is uploaded onto? Try uploading the animation as you being the creator replace the ID and try again.

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Ok thank you so much Ill try this asap

Is the dummy model anchored? Do you own the animation?

No and yes

ignore this raralolol

What sort of script is it? (I’m not familiar with all the new icons yet, so I can’t tell from teh screenshot)

Normal, Not a local script, It would function as a loaner