To be honest, I’m completely lost on cultivating a strong playerbase. I have a game that I want to believe meets the criteria for growth.
After experience with developing a few other games, I’m beginning to doubt natural growth is possible, and looking for efficient methods of marketing beyond sponsoring/user ads. I would also love feedback on what might contribute to low average session time, although the average session time isn’t bad.
For context, all views are the result of sponsors/ads. Natural discovery accounts for something like 0.002% of plays. With how inconsistent these tend to be, with CTR for the exact same ad on the same day ranging from .133% to .032%, using in-website promotion seems to be the wrong move.
I’ve browsed most posts related to this topic on this website, and haven’t found much to be news. Quality shines through, make CTR high, focus on user engagement, etc. I want to maintain growth after ads have finished, and user engagement is decent. However, 5k into 1 day ranging from 5k over 3 days all have little to no effect on discoverability post-sponsor.
For these reasons I’m deadly curious on how devs have made it recently. I knew natural discovery on roblox was bad, but didn’t realize it was a problem I wouldn’t be able to solve on my own. For anyone who’s experienced a similar situation and overcome it, feedback would be great. Thanks!
The primary factor in natural growth is the game itself. If the game is good enough, it will market itself through word of mouth. It may be helpful to get testers and listen to their complaints. What does it feel like to play your game? What is the value proposition to new players? If they are not playing, why are they not playing?
In my play session I saw the high production value and appreciated it, but the slow start, slow pacing and monotony made me want to leave. People will form a first impression within 10 seconds. My first 10 seconds were spent trying to figure out the menu. The dialog with the robot drags on and on and I wish it was skippable. The gameplay, at least for the first two missions, did not do much for me due to a lack of skill expression.
I agree with this comment, and would suggest making the round end after the first wave of monsters attack, that way players feel accomplished and feel the game also progresses fast. Later rounds are ok at the length they are, as its understood that later rounds require more commitment and skill.