Issues with roblox lighting

I have a point light in a area on the top of a mesh and it doesn’t appear when the light is above the surface. It will only appear when it is under and will not work with shadows on or off.

Does anybody have the same issue and know how to fix this.

Video of my issue:



Turn off the CastShadow property of the part that the mesh is placed inside of, or a meshpart if you’re using that.

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I have already tried this. Don’t know why it does it still.

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Do you have double sided enabled on the mesh? If you do the light is shining inside the part and not through it


Nothing on the map is double sided and even doesn’t have any light when it is outside of the light just above the floor.

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Your floors normals are inverted.

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How would I fix this issue? I thought as double sided is off and I can see the top I wouldn’t have this issue.

Try to flip the normals on Blender, or making your floor DoubleSided.