I’m trying to recreate the UI used in AF2 but i’m running into this error in which the textbox seems to go inside of the imagelabel when changed to a different device like the PS5, Iphone 4S or some ipads.
I’ve been trying my best to fix it but everything has kind of just been a dead end on my side, and it’s been getting a little frustrating. Help is much appreciated.
Have you tried placing both of those textboxes and images in a Frame and using an AspectRatioConstraint on the Parent Frame? If you haven’t watch the video below
Video stuff
Watch the plugin install chapter and 8:25 to 8:40 for the AspectRatioConstraint
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use anchor points so that they resize/reposition themselves properly.
if there are a lot of objects you can combine them to be children of an transparent “housing” frame, so that they can scale with that instead. an example is attached

just like @iATtaCk_Noobsi mentioned, use UIAspectRatioConstraints.
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