Testimony for Inyo22
I have been on Roblox since roughly late 2010 I primarily focus on building and modeling. I also happen to suffer from COPD (Chronic Obstructed Pulmonary Disease).
For a majority of my life my career has been one of a railroad man. I was a Locomotive Engineer for a small short-line railroad making roughly $10,000 a year working sometimes 60 hour weeks at a pay rate of $12 an hour. However in times when my COPD flairs up the medicine I need to take cost far more than what I can afford on my Railroad pay alone.
Thanks to DevEx one winter, I was able to purchase life saving medicine for my failing lungs which I would not of been able to afford without.
DevEx has literally saved my life that winter without it I am certain I would be 6ft under.
I am now pursuing Roblox Dev full time from my original life long career of railroading and it is making me far more than I ever did on the railroad. Roblox has given me the opportunity for a better life I have never had or would of had the opportunity for.
With higher DevEx rates I can more easily avoid a life or death situation which often plaques me due to my failing lungs and increase the quality of life I had never been able to experience before.