Issues with the Developer Exchange: Testimonies from the Roblox Dev Community

Testimony for LoganWallace25

I’ve been on this platform since 2012, and have grown up with Roblox. The rate of growth this platform has shot up with is astonishing. I spend 60-70+ Hours a week working with my teams on

  1. Koala Cafe
  2. Pizza Simulator
  3. Battle Noobs (WIP)
  4. Pizza Corporation (WIP)

I feel lost financially . Without my parents support, what I’m currently making now with Developer Exchange would have be struggling to the point where I wouldn’t be able to continue doing Roblox Development full-time with the current rates of the Dev-Ex Program.

The Roblox team has provided me and countless others with amazing opportunity to build a career, and I’m extremely thankful for that, but we need to have a higher revenue share to help sustain ourselves and our growing teams.

With the higher revenue split, Roblox becomes a more attractive environment to developers who happen to be currently developing on other competing platforms, it’s a win-win.

Happy Devs, Bigger Teams, Better Games.


Testimony for Mariofly5

A bit of context on who I am before I start on my views on this. I’m 17 and I’m British. I do not have all of the sidetracks that some people in america have because by law, I’m granted free health care and education up to 18 years old. In short terms, I got really lucky to be born with parents that support me and the good people I surround myself with, and that’ll always be something I’ll care about. Roblox, especially takes a deep place in my heart, as it has followed me through many major events in my life.

I’ve been playing Roblox for more than half of my life now. 10 whole years! I’d never have thought that I’d be making games and financially benefiting from my hobby, but here I am now, making money while sitting in a chair, while other kids my age are starting to get jobs. It’s quite a strange and weird concept. But as I get older, this becomes less of the case. It has always been a dream for me to develop actual video games so that people will enjoy playing something I make, but the choices I have are getting narrow, and next year, after I’ve left my school, I’m likely going to be dropped into the deep end.

To put it bluntly, Roblox is one of the few things that has kept me happy all these years. As well as having a learning disability, and a anxiety disorder, I now have titanium stabilising my neck, following a rugby accident that happened a year ago. The injury basically restricts me from contact sports (due to the added risk), and it also means that my body is fragile. If I slip down the stairs or fall onto my head again, it can cause me to become paralysed, from both feeling and movement.

Now it should be noted that I am a lot better now, and part of that is thanks to Roblox. I broke my neck two weeks before exams, and I was freaking out inside, but after spending time on a project in my spare time (a death star to be exact), I was able to ignore all the stress and focus my energies on something creative. And at the end of it all, I’m now working on bigger and greater projects, and I’m now devexing more often than ever before. However, at the crossroads that I’m standing in, I’m still wondering whether I’ll be able to sustain myself with DevEx, or whether I’ll need to procure some form of job that’ll contribute towards diminishing my living costs.

I would love to continue doing stuff on this platform, and an increase in the DevEx would be tremendous for a couple of reasons. I know that there are plenty of people who spend hours working on game features, hours that may not even be comparable to a normal job because they’re much higher. The amount of time and dedication that goes into making a final product pop is huge, if not daunting. Thus, I ask the question, if developers are working their butts off to get an update out on a popular game, surely they should earn something closely equivalent to the hours they spend on the platform, if not the same. Obviously, I understand that most revenue is based on the popularity of your game, and its playerbase, but the fact that even some of the most dedicated developers on the platform, who love the platform dearly, aren’t able to sustain themselves in real life due to what they earn, shocks me to the core.

However, when it does come down to the core, I believe in the good people in the admin team, and the people who are reading this message. I won’t accept that admins aren’t reading our messages because I know they are. I am in support of increasing the total DevEx rate, not just for me, but for all the hard working developers who make up this platform. It should never come to the point where we have to make potentially controversial choices (lootboxes, high priced gamepasses, etc) in order to make break-even. It should never come to the point, where we have to make a post like this so that developers can be heard (although I seriously do appreciate the response from DevRel on this). And surely, if we’re questioning why we are here, on this platform, then surely there is an area that Roblox needs to improve on.

I understand that this can be a huge headache for the financial side of Roblox, and the DevRel team. Dealing with loads of your talented developers calling you out is probably not a nice thing, and I still believe that you guys are human. I trust in the thought that you believe the same about us, I thank you for engaging in some conversation with us over it, and I hope that in the near future, we can find some form of middle ground where both sides reach a compromise!

Thank you for reading.

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That’s a core reason why DevEx’s rates are so poor.

I think maybe some sort of tier list could be implemented. I.e. pay for your own game’s servers and get a higher DevEx rate, perhaps around 90-95%, or you could have the “free” plan that’s what current DevEx is.

I still think Roblox would be more than capable of increasing the devex rates without changing anything else for the developer currently.


Large game companies spend 1-3% of their earnings on servers. That’s not really a good way to look at it & a lot of us are tired of hearing it.


OP wants to keep this thread containing developer testimonies about DevEx to ensure their visibility while scrolling through the thread and for excess replies/support to be posted in the linked thread.

All (or most - less than 5) non-testimonies were flagged or moved out into the signatory thread.


You have a point, but were also talking about servers that can serve an innumerable amount of games at once, compared to just maybe 5 or so games when talking about companies like EA and the likes.

There are other reasons why DevEx rates are poor outside of server costs.


Testimony for Tomarty
Independently developed Animation Lab and Shard Seekers

I have cashed out every month since DevEx was introduced in 2013. The cash out rate started low at first, 0.001 USD/Robux, which made sense considering how inflated Robux was at the time. I had been working on a custom animation system for fun while I was in high school, and the test place, “Animation Lab” quickly rose to #1 on top earning for quite a while by pioneering “animation packs” (back when 500k Robux/month would get you there.)

If not for increased DevEx rates I would have instead used Visual Studio to create a computer-vision-based botting API for grindy MMORPG’s (what I was doing for fun at the time), or I would have worked for my dad programming industrial label printers. Roblox isn’t my only option financially, but I’ve stuck with it because I’ve enjoyed the platform for over 10 years.

The DevEx rate has of course improved twice since then, first to 0.0025 and eventually to 0.0035 USD/Robux. At this point I had remastered Animation Lab and finished my summer internship at Roblox in San Mateo. Instead of pursuing academics, I took a risk and began working on my new game, “Shard Seekers”, full time using Roblox.

I love programming, and loved working 12+ hours per day, 7 days a week designing the technology that was going to run this new game, its environment, and its characters. The work hours are necessary considering I’m the only developer for Shard Seekers (an ambitious project), and a large portion of my time is spent improving the framework so the game can expand while lasting long into the future.

As Animation Lab’s revenue faded, I began to monetize Shard Seekers. The money through DevEx was still more than enough for an adult living with his parents, but my situation has changed a lot in 4 years.

I’m now 22, renting a house, and my wife had a baby boy 3 months ago:

I’m still working 14 hour days on the same Roblox game, but now I pay rent/utilities, my son needs health insurance, and I need to save up enough to buy a house someday. What seemed like more than I could spend, is now just enough to get by.

Shard Seekers is currently doing pretty well, and based on my DevEx cash out amount alone I should have more than enough to support my family, but I still need to factor in the huge proportion I feed back into the game by buying 3d assets, audio assets, contractors, computers, devices for testing, Roblox advertising, etc.

This is my passion and I still love working all day all week, but I need to allocate time for my family. I stress about the long-term stability of my job every time I spend a weekend with them. The game’s playerbase has been very supportive. Some players buy shards just to help support my family, although we only receive a fraction of what they spent.

It’s up to DevEx to help fund this guy’s college education someday (if that’s what he’s interested in):

Edit (2021-06):
New baby!

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I love the idea of DevEx, but I don’t think there is enough money going towards the people that push the platform forward. Roblox is extremely unique in that it supplies so much to developers, but all that won’t be utilized fully if there’s no true incentive. I’d be happy to sign


This can be a view of what Roblox could achieve by increasing DevEx rates, and losing key creators which could change the corporation for the better.

I’ve been on this platform since 2012, at the age of 7, grew up with this platform for the prevalent amount of time of my childhood, and has shaped the career which I aspire to venture into. Daily, I work for other people’s projects for my own gain, and for my own earned cash. I’m on the edge where I’m going to be deciding my career *very soon and I will not be seeking for support from my family, as I expect the very platform I work for to be sufficient enough to fund vital expenses such as college and university; I want to go into further education, indulging in Computer Science and Software Engineering.

Now I may not be as renowned as other developers, and bigger developers may rely on DevEx more than others, but there are countless like myself which do not see themselves making this into a career, but end up creating a hobby into a job; and those who do rely upon the Developer Exchange program can agree that this leads to demotivation and in some cases, leaving the platform altogether for a more sustainable living.

The DevEx rates nevertheless, are too low, and that’s looking upon a general demographic of people who drive Roblox to be what it is today.

Increasing DevEx rates will give major incentives to make better and higher quality content, and will entice developers to become full time contributors to the platform, as many of those with the skills to change the trend of games, leave the platform once they are bombarded with responsibilities which DevEx alone will not cover, which leaves this platform unsustainable for many, and the environment in which people freelance will be left very one sided and unmotivated, leading to a decline in new creations and ways that Roblox can market their platform.

As I only get older, I see more and more benefits of this, and so does Roblox, however they should majorly consider a slight cut in their profit margins for the possibilities which could arise, and it is surely worth the wait; and it’ll bring smaller and upcoming to-be developers a stimulus to create on this platform, and shape their careers and ideas like it shaped mine.


I’d like to sign this as well.

It’s closed

We work so hard but get so little, do we not deserve more of what we make?

Roblox only gives us a fraction of what our game actually makes which is unfair for the fact that we drive player spendings.

It’s been a year is there any new information on this.


Please post here for signatures. OP’s trying to keep the main thread for testimonies only.

Regarding a quote from the post above

@RuizuKun_Dev Not too sure why my post was quoted nearly a year later to mention the signing thread is closed. This post was meant to, at the time, when the signing thread was open, redirect signatures there rather than on the replies of this post. No real relevance in mentioning it now.


I see its another thing until today that nothing has been done and I only saw promises in the RDC that did not become real, besides just developer funds, but intended only for very few games or already great developers, after these changes made during these 2 years that have passed, I’m more saddened by the way in which the Staff is doing what is supposed to be a long-term job becomes increasingly difficult and frustrating…

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This is not correct, we got a formal response from Roblox (though, it has since been wiped, but you can use wayback machine to see the original): In response to Developer’s Feedback on Developer Exchange

This feature request was one of the main drivers for starting up the whole concept of Premium Payouts, AFAIK. Additionally they also started posting more accurate breakdowns of where money is being spent somewhere after this feature request.

It’s probably best to start up a new feature request if you have any grievances about the way that monetization works at Roblox since this thread is a bit old and likely considered “addressed” depending on who you ask.