function Utilities:filter_by_class(instances: {Instance}, class: string): {Instance}
for i, v in instances do
if v.ClassName ~= class then
table.remove(instances, i)
return instances
The code above throws the error attempt to iterate over a Instance value. The goal of the function is to return a table filtered by ClassName given a table with values of type Instance, and a string denoting ClassName. How can I achieve this while avoiding this error?
No dice, new error this time: invalid argument #1 to 'ipairs' (table expected, got Instance). The type checker seems to think my instances parameter isn’t a table?
function Utilities:filter_by_class(instances: {Instance}, class: string): {Instance}
if type(instances) == 'table' then
for i, v in instances do
if v.ClassName ~= class then
table.remove(instances, i)
if v.ClassName ~= class then
table.remove(instances, i)
return instances
I appreciate your attempt to help, but this wont work. The issue lies in the type checker for some reason believing that the instances parameter is not a table, but rather a single Instance value.
Are you sure this is the problematic call? I could not reproduce the error with it.
The issue is not in the linter, which just warns about type related mismatches. It is that the function has not received a table, which :GetChildren() always returns, even an empty one.
Investigate where else the function is being called from and which arguments are passed. I would assume somewhere TextChatService is being sent instead of its children.
It turns out I’m an idiot. To preface, I failed to mention that I’m using Knit in this project and the function in question is a Service.Client{} function. I simply forgot to add the player parameter to the function.
Can’t believe that took me so long. The help is much appreciated!