It is worth it to advertise (sponsor an experience)

I have a game that is almost two months old that I am considering advertising for in order to give it a second boost after 7 days of declining analytics. My goals are to potentially raise visits, ratings, and an active player base. I want to invest around 3,000 robux into it.

Is it worth it or should I look elsewhere to help my game (and if so where).


So I personally I believe it depends on your goal/game quality. In todays Roblox era ads WILL NOT carry your game. What they will do is get you a few hundred players, who will play your game if its good, therefore organically growing it. Honestly the best advertising now is to just make a great game. You are already at a disadvantage with the algorithm if your game is two months old, meaning the algorithm probably takes its lack of players as a determination of quality unfortunately. But I think yes it is still worth it to advertise, but make sure the game is good, cause ads wont work if it isn’t. As far as alternatives, Id recommend either a platform like socialseed, or reaching out to influencers directly, or asking small/medium livestreamers to play it (Preferably in a superchat). Anyways thats my two-sense, good luck!

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I recommend having caution when picking the correct target audience for your sponsor, as picking the wrong one can seriously harm the stats your game has already achieved.

in almost any circumstance it’s preferable to try to improve your home recommendations

(note this plays graph, sponsor vs home)

with the budget you’re describing i would try a daily sponsor that excludes PC.

(in my experience pc impressions are the worst performing, how often do you have sponsored games filling up your feed that you don’t even take a glance at?)

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jus as an update for anyone reading this - sponsoring was widely unsuccesful but it most likely faulted to my game appearance on first impression. Either the thumbnail/icon wasn’t catching enough since it only got about 2,000 clicks after 90k+ impressions (11 ad credits spent). Wouldn’t recommend. I did specific regions in which my game already sourced most of the players and all platforms except console

ads will help your game not to gain visits or a players base but to show it to people you have to make sure that is your game is playable and fun over any thing after that you can advertise your game.