It should be super easy to pay out to yourself from a group

I want it to be easy to pay out from a group to myself.

Right now, I need to go: (on the Manage Group > Revenue > Payouts page)

  • Click “Add Payout Recipients”
  • Type my own username correctly
  • Wait for search results to complete
  • Find my user card in results
  • Click it
  • Click “Ok”
  • Type the amount
  • Click Distribute

I want it to be this simple:

  • Click a “Add Myself” button
  • Type the amount
  • Click Distribute

Or alternatively, have the list be pre-populated with myself as one of the users.

Most of the time I am paying out to myself and not to other group users. So this use case should be more prioritized. It will benefit solo and small-team developers by reducing the amount of time and mental effort it takes to select myself as recipient.


What is wrong with making it a recurring payout in %? I’ve only found it necessary to do a one-time payout a couple times.

Percentage payouts only happen for non-"item"y income (ie things that aren’t clothing, gamepasses, stuff that can only be bought once) so if a group is getting no income from premium payouts, dev products, so on and so forth then percentage payouts won’t do anything.

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It doesn’t fit my workflow of how (schedule, frequency) I pay out to myself.