Italy Street Showcase

:it: Hello! I made this build to add to my portfolio, so I thought why not share it? :it:
Build Time: Approximately 2.5 Hours :timer_clock:
-Please leave any feedback or CONSTRUCTIVE Criticism you have about my build.
Thank you! :grinning: :+1:



BRO THATโ€™S COOL!!! I Like the Building and shading more! :it:

But Yeah Thank you For Reading this, and Have a Nice Day! :happy3:

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Thats awesome! If I could change anything I would add more โ€œdecorationโ€ to the walls. something like this:


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Yeah, I think I was going to, but I forgot oops! :sweat_smile: Thank you!


Thank you so much! Have a nice day as well. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


This is a great build.

I loved how you managed to use standard materials without having to go overboard on textured materials.

Iโ€™m also fond of the usage of posters.

If you are looking to improve then Iโ€™d recommend focusing on lighting as well as using sun rays; to add to this I would also recommend an evening time. [18:00-19:00].

Good luck with your additions.

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This shows amazing talent, Iโ€™m more impressed that you did this in 2.5 hours. Very impressive, bravo.

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Iโ€™ll look into it! Thank you so much :blush:

Thank you! Iโ€™m so happy to see that people really like my builds!

i have one word: a m a z i n g !

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Thank you very much! I appreciate it!

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This is my favorite part of this entire build
Screen Shot 2020-11-07 at 2.34.21 PM

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Looks really cool, amazing colors! Great job!

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